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Lyons For a Better Neighborhood will be helping Santa out this year with all the
letters he receives from children all over the world. 

1. Have the child write a letter to Santa and place it in an envelope addressed to:
Santa Claus, North Pole. Along with the letter, please include a self addressed
-stamped envelope with a return mailing address.
2. Drop the letter off at the North Pole mailbox (no postage necessary) which is
located next to the Rail Park sign on Mill
3. Send us an email at and let us know a
letter has been mailed. This way we won’t have any lost mail.
4. Santa’s elves will take it from there.
Letters for Santa must be received by Lyons For A Better Neighborhood’s Elves no
later than Dec. 3, 2023.
NOTE: We will do our best to get your letter to Santa and a return letter mailed to your
child from North Pole, AK

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